I'm making a game about exploring a small mall
Can I make my first Steam game in one year?
I've always wanted to.
So, this year I started making a game about exploring a mall. In the game you buy gifts for friends, discover secrets, and meet other quirky shoppers.
I've worked in the game industry for over 10 years, but I've never released a Steam game on my own. It's been on my bucket list for a while, but never quite had the confidence to do it.
In some ways, I still don't.
Well, this year I chose to take a crack at it.
I'm not one of those indies who's trying to strike it rich or make my "dream" game. Gambling in Las Vegas would be a more efficient way to make money.
No, I just want to make something that is worth charging for.
A game that's small, focused, and delivers a fun experience worth the asking price.
I want to make small promises to my players, and then fulfill them. Plus a little extra.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
I started prototyping the game in January and hope to release in January 2026.
I'll let you know how it goes.